Big Head Little Body Portrait, A Gift For Colleague

Normal Portrait head drawing? Or Big Head Little Body Portrait drawing? Which one is great for the gift present for someone?

Big Head Portrait Malaysia

Caricature Artist Malaysia – Triton Lim, started drawing Portrait? YES.

Portrait Artist Malaysia a lot a lot. But everyone seem fight for cheaper price here. Same problem as Caricature. So sad right? Since COVID-19, everything changed. I got to make something changes, before starving. This is Triton Lim – Portrait Artist Malaysia, as well here.

Sketching before ink drawing.

People Choice Reflecting…

  1. People still low awareness about Caricature and Portrait. They can’t even figure out the difference in between.
  2. Big Head calling Cute here, for them. As long head bigger enough, body small enough, this is cute for them.
  3. Old thinking sucked in mind. Low explosion about the art of Caricature and Portrait. Outside the world.
  4. Bunch of other Artist offer crazy cheaper price now. Malaysia culture moving forward to China culture now. The quality people who making order choice become non-profession at all. And same to bunch of artist.

Big Head Portrait done.


For me drawing caricature is more challenging than portrait. Because exaggerated a face is not easy.

Any how, the progress, from receiving portrait order until courier step, almost same. Here you go, as you can see, the final artwork of Big Portrait here.

Finished artwork ready for courier.


因为我感觉不到被画出来一个人的灵魂。而且那时(10年前),个个都在画,觉得很没意思。现在依然,个个稍微有能力的,都能为你画肖像大头。在疫情之下,逼得无奈,实在没办法,就此诞生了Triton Lim – Portrait Artist Malaysia一环。

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