Batik on Cotton Poplin Fabric

Batik Learning 02: Due to each difference fabric, there will have different surface for wax to take a sit on it.

Back to 2020, learning Batik 02 at other workshop class offered here. Traveling from far away Puchong to Ampang. I still remembered how I eager want to master the Batik.

Google map photo.

Why Batik Post After 2 Years?

“Erm… I don’t know...

May be I never thought about it. The other reason because here mainly for Caricature. Then because COVID-19, Portrait add in. I thought what’s wrong if I add more my art journey out there. Here you are, you can see a little bit my Batik journey here.

Simply introduction Batik tools.

Batik on Cotton Poplin Fabric

First time, as newbie, a lot of things I don’t know. And workshop time too short to finish up. 

How you master the canting, is one problem. I only introduce to one type of canting. And due to every difference fabric, will have different surface for wax take a sit on it. The fabric call cotton poplin, if I not forgotten. Nail stick it to the wood frame, for coloring part.



 If you ask me, does this follow proper way of doing Batik? I would like to say this is Workshop, what else more you hope. (I do hope more knowledge you can guide me.)

Batik Malaysia, how much do you know about it? For me kind of lost, as Chinese background, you rarely got a chance to touch it. Some more now it become something Money Playgame. Not any more emphasizing on art culture knowledge for people who loving it.

Batik 翻译过来,峇迪”巴迪” 也或者称之为蜡染。掌握蜡笔,是需要一定的熟练。不然,每次碰钉子。

当时好心要学好峇迪技巧,一心一意想把个人创意发挥在日常轻便衣上 t-shirt。所以我个人学习态度挺牛。只可惜,往往不愿意透露/不肯教授更多知识,成为现实艺术领域挣钱的一个手段了。



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