“If you noticed why I seldom show client personal image here, right.” This is for privacy protection.
Then it will less leading to your business, right. For sure. But also depends. If people awareness if great, they will find out why others putting a lot a lot client photo public, for showing how great how attractive the artist is. While I keep less as possible.

Caricature sketching begin.
Proving photo good enough, for sure I can easily get this person characteristic without doubt.
From conversation, I guess her personally like caricature so much. It giving me caricature draw without worries.

Hand painting with watercolor.
“Why not I called myself Number One Caricature Artist in Malaysia? or Malaysia Top Number One Caricature Artist?”
As you know I’m kind of super low profile person, these kind of things I’m not interesting at all. In fact, if people smart, they will know from Google Search. Even through friends of friends.
I think this client order for herself collection. She kind of happy person.
This is 100% hand drawn caricature, with water coloring. No replica. Keep it well, all will be fine.

Watercoloring caricature.